Membership and Donations
Membership provides many opportunities, including: Discounts on events, or special members-only events. Invitations to take part in all our activities. Tax-deductible donation to the fullest amount allowed by law.
Your membership fee will be used for FOWH's work on the buildings and grounds, educational and community programs and for administration (printing & postage costs, port-a-sans and tick spraying at the Homestead, etc.).
New members and ideas are always welcome! You can join us at our Board meetings held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m in the Barn located at the Homestead or at the West Milford Library in the colder months.

Member Levels
Individual: $15
Family (two adults, unlimited minor children): $25
Student (with ID): $10
Membership includes:
- Discounts on events, or special members-only events
- Invitations to take part in all our activities
- Tax-deductible donation
Mail your check made out to FOWH to:
P.O. Box 63
West Milford, NJ 07480
(Please include the level desired and your email address on check.)
The Friends of Wallisch Homestead is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest amount allowed by law.
Use Venmo and FOWH receives 100% of your funds.
Please include: reason for payment and contact information in the comment section.
Use this Venmo QR code or @Wallisch to sign up.

Or, sign up here using a PayPal account or credit/debit card (fees are charged to Wallisch):

If you can’t be a member right now but still want to help, please donate whatever you can to support the Homestead using Venmo or PayPal. Donations of goods and services are eligible for business memberships and are encouraged. If you think you can donate anything or any service that will help, please contact us at
Or, mail your donation to:
P.O. Box 63
West Milford, NJ 07480

If you can’t be a member right now but still want to help, please donate whatever you can to support the Homestead using Venmo or PayPal.
Make a donation using a PayPal account or credit/debit card:
Friends for free
You can also become a ‘Friend’ at no cost. To receive announcements about events and volunteer activities, just send us your email address at