Wallisch Homestead 2022 Original Art Show and Sale
The Friends of Wallisch Homestead
is pleased to announce their 8th Annual
Wallisch Homestead Original Art (WHOA!) Show and Sale
at the barn at the Wallisch Homestead,
65 Lincoln Avenue, West Milford, NJ.

Saturday, May 21 from 10AM to 4PM
Sunday May 22 from 10AM to 3PM
There will be a private Artist’s Reception on Friday May 20 from 6PM to 8PM opened only to Artists, their guests and FOWH members.
A limited number of memberships will be sold at the door or may be purchased in advance by emailing wallischmembership@gmail.com. Individual memberships are $15 and family memberships are $25.
This exhibition is open to all professional, amateur and student artists, photographers, and sculptors. Anyone interested in providing a Sculpture should contact us by email at wallischhomestead@gmail.com for display parameters. Subject matter must be in good taste, nonpolitical, appropriate for all ages and contain no advertising. If you have any questions about your entry’s appropriateness, please contact The Friends of Wallisch Homestead at: wallischhomestead@gmail.com. The WHOA committee will judge the acceptability of subject matter for presentation and their determination will be final.
FEES (maximum of 3 entries per artist)
Adult Artists: $25 per artist
Artists under 19 years of age: $15 per artist
Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 1. NO applications will be accepted or included in the program after May 1.
All submissions will be handled with reasonable care. Friends of Wallisch and any volunteers shall not be responsible for damage, loss or theft. Submitting an entry in this exhibition implies agreement on the part of the artist with all of the conditions outlined in the prospectus, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Winning entries will be posted on this website in non-reproducible form.
Receiving day for all entries will be on Saturday, May 14 between 10 AM and 2 PM at the barn, 65 Lincoln Avenue, West Milford, NJ. All entries MUST have a label, found below, filled out and securely fastened to the back of the entry. Deadline for submissions is May 1st. All entries will be judged according to the category selected by the artist. Entries must also be wired and ready for hanging. A $10 wiring fee applies if entries are not wired on receiving day. Please, no alligator teeth or clips of any kind, wiring only. Pieces MUST be picked up on Sunday, May 22, between 3:15 and 4 PM. If you cannot be there, please make arrangements with someone to pick up your artwork for you. Friends of Wallisch Homestead will not be responsible for artwork left after this day.
Registration fees are payable by mail, with a check made out to “Friends of Wallisch Homestead” and sent to P.O. Box 63, 1560 Union Valley Road, West Milford, NJ 07480 or by using the “Donate” button at the bottom of this page. If you prefer to pay by check, please include a copy of the label form found below. Registration fee for adults is $25, and for applicants under the age of 19 is $15 unless the artist requests entry in adult category.
Awards will be presented for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and “honorable mention” in the following categories: acrylic, oil and watercolor painting, pastel, drawing, mixed media (2 or more media), sculpture, photography (people, places and things), and two categories, ages 12 and under or ages 13-18. Entrants under the age of 19 can elect to have an entry judged either in their age category or in any of specific media categories as an adult. There will also be a special Wallisch Homestead Award for best piece depicting the Wallisch Homestead.
If an artist chooses to have their piece for sale, and it sells, a commission of 20% will be collected by the Friends of Wallisch Homestead. All proceeds will benefit the continuing efforts to preserve the Homestead buildings and property. See the Prospectus below for additional details, limitations and responsibilities.
We deeply appreciate the participation of the many artists and artisans who have supported our shows in the past and always welcome new applicants.
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at: wallischhomestead@gmail.com
Payment by Venmo
2022 FOWH Art Show Entry and Labels [Word .docx]